Keeping your gut happy during the summer
It’s finally summer! Pool parties, family get togethers, and outdoor happy hours make socializing outdoors the most fun part of the season. But summer can wreak havoc on your digestive system. If you have struggled with your digestive health in the past, you likely know what I am talking about and you may even be dreading the change in weather. Why does summer cause so many tummy troubles? Well as heat and humidity rises blood vessels and capillaries dilate, more fluid gets filled in the spaces between organs and tissues causing you to get issues such as bloating, constipation and IBS flare ups. There are several things you can do to keep your digestive system happy during the hottest months.
Follow these tips to prevent digestive problems during summer:
Stay Hydrated - This is easily the most important. I've talked about it before on my Instagram page. During the summer months, our bodies try to keep us cool by sweating. Replenishing the water lost by sweating is essential. Dehydration can lead to constipation, heatstroke, and nausea. One great way to avoid dehydration is to drink water consistently throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Waiting until you are thirsty may lead you to chug water and end up bloated. You've likely heard to drink 1/2 your weight in ounces every day. Well, in the summer try adding another glass or two. You can flavor it with mint, lemon, orange or cucumber to change up the taste. Tea also counts as water but, beware it will not quench your thirst!
Eat more produce and fiber. Ensure you get enough fiber to your diet by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, some grains and legumes. Raw, dark green vegetables are a great choice. Raspberries, mangoes, and papaya are all high-fiber and seasonally available. For more seasonal fruits and veggies check here: You can also try adding chia seeds to add fiber. I love a good chia seed pudding in the summer!
Eat Food Safely. First, try to slow down your eating and enjoy the food. Eating too fast can cause bloating, gas, and unbearable pain in your gut. Second, beware of food at cookouts and picnics! Food that’s left out at the wrong temperature can breed bacteria and lead to food poisoning. Here are a few guidelines to keep your food safe.
Don’t leave food out for more than four hours.
Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold.
Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens.
Don’t leave dairy products out
Probiotics can be helpful as they contain gut-friendly bacteria. There are some great sources of natural probiotics: kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi, miso, kombucha, and yogurt. These are all jam-packed with bacteria that can ease your digestion process and relieve dysentery. If you can't get your probiotics from food (as those with SIBO know!) try a supplement. There are a million different types of probiotic supplements on the market. Finding the right one for you can be a game of trial and error. So don't give up if the first one, two or three don't help. My favorite type of probiotic for those with digestive issues is soil-based organism or SBO probiotics. In some instances saccharomyces boulardii, lactobacillus acidophilus or bacillus bifidum would be beneficial as well.
Exercise correctly. I love lower intensity and higher frequency exercise during the summer months. It aids in digestion much more effectively. Yoga, swimming, cycling, jogging, walking, dance, tennis and interval training are all great forms of movement. Exercising improves overall well-being but, in the summer heat and humidity, it can be more difficult to get in your activity. Exercising outdoors during extreme heat can lead to heat sickness or stroke. If you’re vomiting, dizzy, or nauseated, you may be experiencing symptoms of heatstroke. Go indoors and drink water. If symptoms continue, contact your doctor.
Try digestive bitters or enzymes. For an added boost bitter herbs like dandelion, boldo, artichoke, and milk thistle are fantastic for improving digestion during hot, summer months. An herbal bitter is a "bitter" solution that primarily consists of herbs, fruit, bark, seeds, or flowers. Bitters boast a rich history for relieving digestive ailments, increasing digestive juices and even cleansing the liver that works so hard to optimize our digestion.
Hopefully these small tips will help you avoid any digestive issues this summer so that you can get out and enjoy the most of the warmer weather. If you want to take a deeper dive into your digestion this summer I would love to hear your story and see how I can support and guide you to regain your optimal wellness! Email me at